Electronic lock takes inputs from the user with the help of 4x4 keypad.
Password based door lock system using pic16f877a.
The mcu is interfaced with a 4 4 matrix keypad and a 16 2 lcd to form the user interface.
Programming the pic16f84a in c with mplab x duration.
We are widely familiar with the password based e locks and might have installed in our house.
This project is much similar to my previous one password based door locking system.
This system allows the user to unlock the device with a password.
This is an advanced door opening system compared to the above system.
And then its asks to close the door by pressing digit one.
If both strings matches then it will send signal to l293d ic and rotates motor in clock wise direction.
Electronic code locking system using pic 16f877 mircocontroller.
Home microcontroller projects.
In this way a simple door lock system can be implemented with the use of a microcontroller.
Atmega based garage door opening.
Here i am going to explain you a simple password based circuit breaker project using pic microcontroller.
The major components include a keypad lcd and the controller pic16f877a.
Same logic is used to rotate motor anticlockwise.
The password is entered by making use of a keypad.
If the person attempting to open the door enters a wrong password then the microcontroller switches the alarm for further course of action.
Circuit breakers are electromechanical devices used in the power system to connect or disconnect the power flow at the generator substation or load location.
You can simply copy paste the code using arduino ide.
Whenever any key is pressed on the keypad the software program in the mcu identifies the pressed key and accordingly turns on or turns off the appliance.
Circuit diagram of electronics lock is shown below.
Electronic code locking system is extremely useful in protecting our precious possessions and can be installed anywhere with bit of engineering in it.
Password based door lock system using arduino and keypad duration.
Default password 1234 is stored in eeprom of pic microcontroller.
Pic16f877a microcontroller reads these inputs and compared it with a already stored password.
This article describes the making of an electronic code lock using the 16f877a microcontroller.
The code for password based door lock security system using arduino keypad is given below.
This is also such an electronic locking system in which pic16f887a microcontroller plays the role of the central processing unit.
The user can also set his password to ensure better protection.
The job of the mcu in this project is to receive signals from the input device keypad and take corresponding actions.